Create a Bootable ClockworkMod Micro SD Card


In this tutorial we will be showing you how to create a bootable ClockworkMod SD card for the Nook Color. The reason we are creating the example with the Nook Color is because we just happen to need on so might as well write as we do it. You will need the ClockworkMod bootable SD card to root the Nook Color using the Manual Nooter method so here it goes:

How to Micro SD Cardcreate a bootable ClockworkMod SD card:

  1. Download ClockworkMod version (Download Link)
  2. Unzip the ClockworkMod file somewhere you’ll remember
  3. Download Win32 Disk Imager for the flash process (Download Link)
  4. Unzip Win32DiskImager and run the EXE file
  5. Click the blue folder icon and select the ClockworkMod file you downloaded
  6. Under Device select your SDcard
  7. Click Write to write the image
  8. Congrats you have a bootable microSD card for ClockworkMod!

If your creating a bootable SD card for anything else the process is still the same. If you have any issues please feel free to drop us a line.


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