DropBox Beta Offers 5GB Additional Free Storage


Dropbox Beta automatic uploading

Dropbox has announced their beta release for their Android file sharing app. The new feature that everyone should check out is the automatic file upload feature. The automatic upload feature like Google+ will upload your images automatically so that you have a backup in the event your phone gets damaged or like us your always flashing new firmware and just don’t want to have to worry about backing up your images.

Dropbox wants to give an incentive to users that try out the new feature by giving them up to 5GB of free storage to try it out. How it works is you will need to turn on automatic uploading and get the first 500MB of free storage. After you automatically upload 500MB of storage you will be given an additional 500MB until you reach the additional 5GB.

Not only has the automatic uploading feature been added but they now increased the upload file size from 180MB to no limit at all (this is our favorite addition). There have also been some additional bug fixes and the ability to resume uploads without starting the upload over.

Get DropBox here. | Get the Dropbox Beta APK here.


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