Android is the US Smartphone OS Leader


A recent post on Nielson’s official blog places Android as the top smartphone operating system in the US in Q2 2011. Android takes 39% of the market share with HTC being the top manufacturer responsible for 14% of it.
Manufacturer Operating System Smartphone Share
Smartphone OS and their Share of the Market:

  1. Google’s Android OS at 39%
  2. Apple’s iOS at 28%
  3. RIM Blackberry at 20%
  4. Windows Mobile OS at 9%
  5. Palm and Web OS at 2%
  6. Symbian OS at 2%

Top Android Manufacturers and their Shares According to Nielson:

  1. HTC Corporation with 14% of smartphone shares using Android OS
  2. Motorola with 11% of smartphone shares using Android OS
  3. Samsung with 8% of smartphone shares using Android OS
  4. All other manufacturers together make up the remaining 6%

Top overall Smartphone Manufacturers:

  1. 28% – Apple
  2. 20% – HTC Corporation
  3. 20% – Blackberry
  4. 11% – Motorola
  5. 10% – Samsung
  6. 2% – Hewlett Packard
  7. 2% – Nokia
  8. All others combined make up the last 7%

Before looking at this breakdown we would have assumed that Samsung was a little higher on the list although we knew HTC would be near if not at the top.


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