Can Android Apps Help You To Sleep Better?


If you suffer from sleepless nights, you’ll probably know all about the nasty side effects that this condition can cause. You spend most of the day trying to stay awake, and then most of the night trying to…well, you know the rest! There are a number of sleep-aid products on the market that will work for a short time, but they will soon be nothing more than a placebo with some heavy headed reminders the next day. This article takes a peek at some Android apps that claim to be able to help us without making things worse all over again.


Sleep as Android by Urbanandroid Team – Free – Google Play Download

Our first offering is a very clever app that is essentially an alarm clock but with a whole heap of extras. This application will track your sleep pattern and wakes you up at the optimum time to allow your body to gently recover from the slumber regions. It includes some soothing sleep-aid themes that include birds, sea and storm noises. We’re not sure about the storm feature but apparently it works! You can pick any of your favourite tunes to wake up to or go with the specialised selection already onboard. This app has already earned some rave reviews from the public and looks to be leading race for Smartphone alarm apps. The sleep tracking feature tends to drain the battery somewhat but you can disable it and the alarm will still work just fine! A totally free gift for all of those non-sleepers out there!


Sleep Apnea Screener – $1Google Play Download

Sleep Apnea is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide and it can have very serious side effects. People suffering from this condition have been known to fall asleep at the wheel of a car and are constantly at risk of losing consciousness throughout the day. This app will not cure the condition but it provides a thorough screening tool for those of us who suspect that we may be suffering from Sleep Apnea. If the results are positive, you should pop along to your local GP for some further investigations. The questionnaire is fairly similar to a medical approach and has been developed by experts in this field. For one dollar you may be getting some advice that could help to improve the quality of your life for the future!


Chroma Doze by Paul Marks – FreeGoogle Play Download

Our final sleep-aid offering from Android is a pretty cool app that uses white noise to assist your journey into the land of nod. The way that this works is fairly unique, you simply draw your favourite spectrum and the app will use this for its white noise orchestra. The theory is based on the Fourier Analysis Algorithms and the results are pretty conclusive. Once you hit the pillow, the Chroma Doze takes you on a journey that results in a great night’s sleep. The app is very light on battery use so you’ll not risk any alarm malfunctions as a result! White noise is definitely the way forward for those of us with issues in the sleeping arena!


Are You Tired Yet?

We hope that you will have seen enough to download at least one of these apps, because your nights will soon be a lot more relaxing if you do!


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