How to Increase the HTC One X Battery Life


If you have an HTC One X you already know that the battery cannot be removed and with this its one of the few HTC devices that can’t have an extended battery. Also this means that its 1800mAh battery is all you have to work with and is known for its less than good battery life. Battery life can be increased on the HTC One X by simply following a few rules and staying on top of some of the features that aren’t needed.

One of the most useful things to remember is closing the camera and video resources when not in use. This means not leaving YouTube running in the background and leaving your camera on when not taking pictures. Besides this though there are a few things you can do to be sure you get the most out of your HTC One X battery.

How to Increase Battery Life on the HTC One X:

  • Control What Apps Are Syncing – One of the worst battery drains on not only the HTC One X but all Android devices is having many apps running in the background and constantly syncing. Be sure to regularly check apps running on the background for ones that aren’t being used and close them. You can disable certain apps through the network settings.
  • Use Power Adapter and Not USB Charging – Any time you have a outlet available be sure to use the wall charger to charge your phone. The HTC One X seems to have almost 15% better charge when using a wall charger as opposed to the USB charger. This is mostly due to the fact that the USB provides a very slow trickle charge to the device instead of a strong constant heavy charge.
  • Turn Off Display When Not In Use – The default setting on the HTC One X is to leave the screen on when not in use for one minute. If you set the HTC One X display timeout for 30 seconds or less it can significantly save battery life. You will notice if you look at battery usage in your settings that usually the display drains over half of the battery you use throughout a day. You can change the display timeout on the HTC One X under the display and gestures settings.
  • Turn Off Bluetooth and Wifi When Not Used – Bluetooth and Wifi when on but not in use are constantly searching for connections and will cause heavy drain on your HTC One X’s battery. The easiest way to control these are with Wifi and Bluetooth widgets to easily turn it them off with a tap of the home screen. If you would rather not have the widgets you can turn both on and off from the settings.
  • Switch to GSM When not Using Data – If your just using the phone on your HTC One X and aren’t going to need data for a while put your phone in GSM Only mode. By going to Settings -> Mobile Network -> Network Mode and selecting GSM Only mode you can save a great deal of battery, just remember to turn it back when you need it again.

Some of these may seem simple and you don’t think it could make that big of a difference but trust me simple things make a huge difference on Android devices. You of course can always check out what apps are using battery life the most when your phones battery is low and remove any apps that may not be needed that are sucking your HTC One X battery life dry.


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