After just over a week since the HTC Evo 3D has been officially released an exploit has been found. From the buzz around the Android community Team Win have found this exploit that should allow them to root the Evo 3D. This is great news for Evo 3D owners as until now there hasn’t been much talk about progress on getting root access on the Evo 3D.
![HTC Evo 3d Root Access HTC Evo 3d Root Access](
Temp Root Instructions for the Evo 3D using Fre3vo:
Prereqs for Rooting the HTC Evo 3D:
- You must be able to push files via adb to your phone.
- You must know what a shell is.
Temporary Root Instructions for HTC Evo 3D:
- Download the fre3vo zip file (download link)
- Unzip the fre3vo binary
- Push the binary via ‘adb push fre3vo /data/local/tmp’
- Change the permissions via ‘adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/fre3vo’
- Run the binary via ‘adb shell /data/local/tmp/fre3vo’
- You will be sent back to a command prompt
- run ‘adb shell’ and you should have a ‘#’ prompt instead of ‘%’.
- Congrats you have root access (temporarily)!
This is temporary root. Rebooting your device will remove root access. Please read on for Permanent root access to your HTC Evo 3D.
Perm Root Instructions for the Evo 3D using Fre3dom:
(available soon)