Android Kernel Source Released for the HP TouchPad


Android on the HP Touchpad

The HP TouchPad just will not die and for good reason. The TouchPad has the hardware to support Android and be a useful tablet, especially for those who got one during the fire sale a few months back. The HP TouchPad Kernel source was released by HP to the ClockworkMod developers to help with the CyanogenMod 9 port to the TouchPad.

HP has been a great supporter of the Android development community since they decided to put a stop to their WebOS.

“HP supports the community and was kind enough to provide us with the Android kernel source and some other GPL components that they modified for the few Touchpads that were accidentally released running Android… What’s interesting about this kernel is it seems to be a totally separate development from the webOS kernel (this was suspected from the very beginning), but now the comments in the code seem to imply that HP had another team working on Android port to Touchpad and that team appears to be totally separate from the webOS team. I wonder if that means there was a plan to ship the Touchpad with Android that were then preempted by webOS plans after Palm purchase.”

Currently there is no Wifi support on the TouchPad running the Android port. With HP helping CyanogenMod in the process we can assume that its now only a matter of time before CM9 is fully functional on the HP TouchPad and with the massive user base we are certain to see support from all avenues.


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