Honorbound Update 1.99.45 Adds Friending Feature

Honorbound for Android was updated to version 1.99.45 on June 2, 2014 adding a Friend Feature and more. Even Friend us with Code “652-FKJF”.


Honorbound is an RPG with so many features we aren’t going to list them all. This said, the developers, JuiceBox Games has released an update to their Android app putting it at version 1.99.45 that adds a few new ways to play. We have been impressed by the developers so far creating such an immersive game with rather regular updates.

There have been a few updates to the game that have caused less than desirable results although the most recent update has added a few features that the community has been wanting for some time. The most interesting feature is the ability to add friends within the game. You will now notice from your main screen an icon at the bottom between the Research and Arena tabs called friends. From there you can add friends, view your friends, and see the current referral rewards for friending.

Honorbound Friend CodesHonorbound Friending
You can now plug in a friends code to add them and play with them. This can either be solely for competition to see who can amass the greatest squad within the game or just to gain the benefits that friending gives you within the game itself. As people add you via your uniques friend code you can gain great rewards. The current friend referral rewards shown within the game are as follows.

  • 1 friend gets you 100 Diamonds (Premium Currency)
  • 3 friends gets you an Elite Rune for summoning Rare to Legendary heroes.
  • 8 friends will get you 500 Diamonds (Premium Currency)
  • 15 friends will get you a ring that increases your XP by 15% called the “Band of Eternal Essence”
  • 30 friends will get you an Elite hero called the “Armored Paragon”

If you are interested in becoming a friend with us as we actually do play this game quite often our code is “652-FKJF”. We would be happy to play with you in game. Another aspect of friending is gaining “FAVOR”. This allows you to summon exclusive heroes so you really want to be sure you are inviting active players to help with this faster over time.

Capture Traps also New!
Another new feature with the recent update is the implementation of “Capture Traps”. These can be gained from enemies, research, as well as purchased from the shop. What these capture traps do is increase your effectiveness of capturing heroes when in battle. If you have been playing Honorbound you know that the capturing of foes can be a very difficult task and this is just something to give you that edge you may need.

Last but not least is the addition of resistances and vulnerabilities to heroes. You will now need to be even more strategic when creating your armies as well as defending them in the future.

With all of these additions in the most recent update we will likely see the game grow even faster than previously. There are currently over 500,000 installations and it has seen a huge increase just over the past several weeks. If you are interested in the new friending, capture trap, or resistance features head over to the source link below and update your Honorbound game to version 1.99.45.