Is SoundHound Collecting GPS Coordinates on Device Bootup?


SoundHound securty flaws

It seems every Android app out there today wants to collect user data without your knowledge and SoundHound is no different. It looks like they are transmitting Android users GPS coordinates when you boot the device. Simon Stewart an automation and productivity systems specialist first noticed this type of activity with the Motorola Xoom transmitting GPS coordinates on system boot up. This was the start of investigations.

There is no logical reason for SoundHound to collect your GPS coordinates! It does not provide any additional functionality to the app itself (it’s not location-sensitive by nature).

How does SoundHound Transmit your Location:
When the SoundHound widget is present on the home screen and the device is rebooted it will begin transmitting your location.

Why is SoundHound Collecting Data:
SoundHound’s Android Market Page makes this one small note (at the very bottom of the app description) regarding its requirement of the GPS permission:
Note: Location is used to store where songs were discovered. It can be disabled from the Options menu.

Options like this that are found throughout many Android apps should be forced to be selected and not automatically enabled. This being said when you install an application be sure to check the permissions and run through the settings before you start using it.


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